We very pleased to report to you that the Collier County Board of Commissioners has approved funding for the Wiggins Pass Dredging and Re Nourishment Project. They voted three to two for the awarding of $6,798,820 for County wide beach and Pass Maintenance projects, of which Wiggins Pass is one.

The Florida DEP has notified the County that they intend to issue the necessary Permit once the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service signs off on the project (the last hurdle). The DEP should publicly issue their “Intent To Issue” by Sept 9th; then the 21-day public notice, then the Permit can be finally issued. Hence the scheduled goal is to have the DEP permit in hand no later than the first week in October.
Collier County Office of Coastal Zone Management, plans to combine South Marco, dredging and beach fill with Wiggins Pass straightening in order to realize a savings on the order of $250K via reduction of mobilization and demobilization costs of equipment.
Marco South would begin dredging on November 1, 2012 and be completed by December 31 and then move to Wiggins Pass and complete the work by May 1, 2013. It is intended that navigation will be possible throughout the project.
At long last we stand at the threshold of success. Your Continued Support is Needed.